The Breath Prescription


Using the breath to initiate change and promote healing and wellbeing.

Sunday 9 March, 2025, 10am-11am


What is Your Dominant Energetic State?

The way we are breathing provides a window to what is going on internally and in particular can be used to identify our energy and energetic state in any given moment.  

A prescription is a set of instructions or communication regarding the type, dose, and strength of a course of action for a particular health issue.

Prescriptions are issued based on symptoms and are adapted to suit individual requirements.

Through learning more about our energetic state we are able to identify how we are feeling in any given moment and feel confident in ‘prescribing’ a suitable practice to initiate change and also promote healing.

Dominant energetic states may include:

Low energy, fatigue, stagnant energy

Overstimulated, anxious, stressed

A scattered mind, lack of clarity, inability to concentrate

Flow state, steady, balanced

Would you like to find out how to use breathing practices to attend to and alter your dominant state in any given moment?

  • Sunday 9 March, 2025


  • Location: ONLINE via Zoom

    Cost: FREE

    Please note: Zoom link will be sent after you register your spot!

    A recording will be made available for 48 hours after the live session.


The Breath Prescription  – Workshop Overview

  • Introduction – Workshop intention

  • Overview of energy states and how to identify our dominant state at any one time

  • Introduction to observing and following the breath – a practice of observation

  • Introduction to cultivating a smooth, steady breath to align the mind and body

  • How to enliven your energy & remove stagnant and negative energy – a prescription

  • How to calm and ground your energy – a prescription

  • How to stabilise and focus the mind - a prescription

  • Sustained concentration as a gateway to meditation

  • Q&A session

  • Going deeper – creating a sustainable practice