“Effective & meaningful professional learning & wellbeing solutions for your entire staff.”

Rise to Shine provides breath-centred health and wellbeing solutions for your entire school community. Empower your staff with meaningful wellbeing they can actually use! Learn how to regulate the nervous system and effectively manage stress and build resiliency.

Choose from a range of specialist presentations, workshops or practical based options, safe in the knowledge that you have provided the very best in health and wellbeing care to those at the heart of your organisation.

Staff wellbeing made easy…

  • Staff Professional Learning Days

    Rise to Shine offers a unique wellbeing package, tailor made for your school.

    The way we breathe determines how we feel and how we cope with life’s challenges. Explore this relationship and discovery key strategies to optimise sleep, manage stress, build resiliency and improve overall wellbeing.

    Choose from a presentation style workshop or combine the experience to include an additional practical class.

    Introductory presentations from 1-2 hours.

    Half and full day workshops

    Choose from the Rise to Shine Complete Package, A Taste of Rise to Shine or the Rise to Shine Mix & Match.

  • Weekly Wellbeing Initiatives

    Many schools are reaping the benefits of providing their school staff with the opportunity to attend a weekly wellbeing initiative.

    Choose from yoga, breathwork, meditation or a combination of all three. The perfect offering at the start or end of a busy day for your hard working staff, or as part of your wellbeing day.

    Online packages or in-person options available.

    “Lea’s breath-centred yoga has been fantastic in many ways - mentally it puts me into a focused and calm headspace allowing me to respond not react to any challenges that come my way”.

    ~ Daniel, Coastal Lakes College

  • Conscious Leadership

    Collaborate with Lea from Rise to Shine and provide your leadership team with key strategies to better manage the challenges that come with a management role.

    Sessions include personalised wellness coaching, Oxygen Advantage & Buteyko Method breathwork coaching, a range of effective breathwork and meditation practices to manage the nervous system and balance the mind and body..

    Regulating the nervous system will create a more ‘responsive’ rather than ‘reactive’ approach to high pressure situations, Lea will teach you how!

    Ideal for departments or leadership teams within the school community.

The Rise to Shine Professional Learning Package Options

Meaningful Wellbeing should be visible…

The Introductory Package

The Discovery Package

The Create your own Package

  • Personalise quotes available on request.

The Rise to Shine Wellbeing Solution for Staff

Wellness is the process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence.” The National Wellness Institute

Wellness is indeed a process of awareness and choice but what is commonly overlooked is that our choices and actions are dependent on how we feel physically, mentally and emotionally and before we can begin to initiate change we must first learn to pay attention to and regulate the source of our choices - the nervous system.

Managing the Nervous System

The nervous system is responsible for how we interpret and interact with the world around us. Where there is threat, the body responds, where there is safety, the body responds. What if your body was responding to threat in every moment of every day? What impact would this have on your thoughts, words, choices, actions and ultimately your health? Often people become unknowingly stuck in their stress response, in a highly overstimulated nervous system. Many experience the symptoms of fatigue, inability to sleep, poor concentration, low emotional resiliency, frequent sickness - but very few people know how to better support themselves.

Learning to Master the Breath is the Key to Managing the Nervous System

Your breath and breathing pattern is the main messenger in letting the brain know that the body is safe. Learning to recognise the signs and being able to apply suitable strategies is the most valuable tool you can have in your wellbeing toolbox. The breath is free and it is accessible to all in any situation. Breathe for calm, breathe for focus, breathe for energy, breathe to prevent stress-related illness. Your breathing pattern has the power to transform your health, wellbeing and response. Move from surviving to thriving, adding a greater sense of centred accomplishment and flow to your day.

How can Rise to Shine support your staff?

Rise to Shine specialises in managing the nervous system through structured breathwork. As an experienced Buteyko Instructor, Health Teacher and Yoga Teacher, Lea brings a unique blend of Buteyko method breath re-education and ancient breathing practices to the workplace, with the science and practice behind the theory.

Staff will leave armed with actionable strategies which they can use in every moment of every day to manage workload stress, balance the mind for better focus and concentration, improve immune health, sleep quality and increase energy levels. To be well is to thrive!

Rise to Shine offers schools the solution to RESPONDING rather than REACTING to the challenges that come our way and we all have the power to unleash the transformative power of the breath.

“It all starts and ends with the breath”

Supporting your staff to support your students

Bringing breathwork into the classroom is a powerful way to optimise the learning environment for the students you teach. Despite our best efforts, learning can only occur if the student is in a responsive state. Learning simple tools and implementing them daily allows the child to self-regulate whilst optimising physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.

Rise to Shine offers staff professional learning for those wishing to take the next step in implementing wellbeing strategies into their classroom.

Choose from a variety of options and combinations including breathwork, yoga, meditation and mindfulness.